Friday, July 1, 2011

How to make Pad Thai

Pad Thai - This Pad Thai recipe is how you actually find it in Bangkok and comes from testing hundreds of different variations from food carts all over the city. Pad Thai is the ultimate street food. While "street food" may sound bad, food cart cooks are in such a competitive situation, with such limited space, ingredients and tools they need to specialize in a dish or two just to stay in business. The best of these cooks have cooked the same dish day-after-day, year-after-year, constantly perfecting it. Great Pad Thai is dry and light bodied, with a fresh, complex, balanced flavor. I've never actually seen the red, oily pad thai in Thailand that is common in many western Thai restaurants. The ingredients listed below can be somewhat intimidating but many are optional. If you would like to make authentic Pad Thai, just like in Thailand, use all the ingredients. Pad Thai is another perfect vegetarian dish, just omit shrimp and substitute soy sauce for fish sauce. Add more tofu if you like. 

2-3 Servings 

4teaspoonsfish sauce 
3clovesgarlic, minced 
1/2teaspoonground dried chili pepper 
ground pepper 
1shallot, minced 
1/2packageThai rice noodles 
2tablespoonvegetable oil 
1/2banana flowerOptional
1/3cuptofu - extra firmOptional
1-1/2cupChinese chives - greenOptional
1-1/3cupbean sproutsOptional
1tablespoonpreserved turnipOptional

Tips and substitutions
By far, the trickiest part is the soaked noodles. Noodles should be somewhat flexible and solid, not completely expanded and soft. When in doubt, undersoak. You can always add more water in the pan, but you can't take it out.
Shrimp can be substituted or omitted.
In this recipe, pre-ground pepper, particularly pre-ground white pepper is better than fresh ground pepper. For kids, omit the gound dried chilli pepper.

Tamarind adds some flavor and acidity, but you can substitute white vinegar.

The type of extra firm tofu called for this recipe can be found at most oriental groceries in a plastic bag, not in water. Some might be brown from soy sauce, but some white ones are also available. Pick whatever you like.

If you decided to include banana flower, cut lengthwise into sections (like orange sections). Rub any open cut with lime or lemon juice to prevent it from turning dark.

The original Pad Thai recipe calls for crushed roasted peanuts. Many people in Thailand avoid eating peanuts because of its link to cancer.

Soak the dry noodles in lukewarm water while preparing the other ingredients, for 5-10 minutes. Julienne tofu and cut into 1 inch long matchsticks. When cut, the extra firm tofu should have a mozzarella cheese consistency. Cut up Chinese chives into 1 inch long pieces. Set aside a few fresh chives for a garnish. Rinse the bean sprouts and save half for serving fresh.

Mince shallot and garlic together. Use a wok. If you do not have a wok, any big pot will do. Heat it up on high heat and pour oil in the wok. Fry the peanuts until toasted and remove them from the wok. Add shallot, garlic and tofu and stir them until they start to brown. The noodles should be flexible but not expanded at this point. Drain the noodles and add to the wok.

Stir quickly to keep things from sticking. Add tamarind, sugar, fish sauce, chili pepper and preserved turnip. Stir. The heat should remain high. If your wok is not hot enough, you will see a lot of juice in the wok at this point.

Turn up the heat, if it is the case. Make room for the egg by pushing all noodles to the side of the wok. Crack the egg onto the wok and scramble it until it is almost all cooked. Fold the egg into the noodles. Add shrimp and stir. Add bean sproutson top. As always, in Thailand, condiments such as sugar, chili pepper, vinegar and fish sauce are available at your table for your personal.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

How to Kiss

Relationships start with first kisses. That doesn't mean all first kisses lead to love, of course. Figuring out how to get to that kiss is just the beginning.

When to Go for It

TV dating shows teach us that first kisses happen fast. If you believe what you see, you should be making out in a hot tub together by the end of the first date. But what is true in real life?
There's no definite right time. Often, the kiss comes at the end of the first date, but it could happen whenever the moment seems right.
Many people think if they don't get a kiss on the first date, there's no potential for romance in the future. But others are more comfortable with first kisses that happen on a second or third date, once you know each other a little better.

Invitations to a Kiss

Certain signals can help you know when to try for a first kiss.
  • He sits closer than he needs to.
  • She touches your arm or your knee while you're talking.
  • He makes flirty comments or says you look sexy.
  • She acts nervous, giggles, or plays with her hair.

When to Back Off

Trying to kiss someone who isn't interested can be mortifying. But if you never take a risk, you'll never get kissed! However, you can minimize your chance of getting it wrong.
Here are some signs a person doesn't want to be kissed:
  • He folds his arms when he's sitting next to you.
  • She sits far away or crosses her legs so that her body's turned a little bit away from you.
  • He never mentions your looks.
  • She doesn't flirt with you any more than with anyone else.

To Ask or Not to Ask

Should you ask before you kiss someone? It depends. Some people are charmed by the question. Others feel that asking makes a person look nervous or weak.
The best way to handle it is to do what feels comfortable to you. If your date doesn't like your style, it probably wasn't a good match anyway!

Kissing Styles

What's a "proper" first kiss? Is it a peck on the cheek, a touch of the lips, or a full-on "Elimidate" style mash?
A kiss on the cheek usually says, "I like you, but I don't want to date you." A brief kiss on the lips is often a safe bet: it's not too forward, but it leaves the door open for more. A deep French kiss clearly says "I want you"�but it can be off-putting, especially if your kissing styles aren't the same.

What First Kisses Mean

Once upon a time, a kiss was equivalent to a proposal. A gentleman simply didn't kiss a lady unless he intended to marry her, and a lady certainly didn't allow herself to be kissed by just anyone. Today, we're so free about sexuality that a kiss could mean anything!

First kisses can mean:
  • "I think you're hot."
  • "I like you and I want to see you again."
  • "I think I'm in love with you."
  • "I don't really like you at all, but I don't want to hurt your feelings."
So how can you tell? There's always the direct way: just ask! Not everyone's comfortable doing that, though, and you can't count on getting a direct answer anyway.

Reading the Signs

Try looking at the events surrounding the kiss. It might be a prelude to real romance if:
  • It's accompanied by a request for another date.
  • Your partner calls the next day or answers your call right away.
  • You've had heartfelt conversations, not just one fun evening.
It might be just a kiss if:
  • You've just met.
  • You've never really talked. (Kisses on dance floors are often just for fun, and nothing more.)
  • Most of what you've talked about is sex.

Why He (or She) Didn't Call

Often, we're disappointed when a first kiss is also the last one. Why didn't he call? Why won't she talk to you? Consider the following reasons:
  • The person changed his or her mind. People get caught up in the moment: a fun evening, a shared laugh, a pretty face. Sometimes, in the light of day, they realize that it wouldn't be a good match after all.
  • There wasn't any romance. Some people feel obligated to offer a good night kiss, even after a date they didn't enjoy. They feel it's the polite thing to do, like shaking hands after a business meeting.
  • It was just a kiss. Kisses are ego-boosting, and they feel good. But they don't mean anything has to follow.

Stroke in young people

Although few people are aware of this, the fact is that young people often experience stroke. The common causes of stroke in young people are the same as those of older people; high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease are the most frequent causes of stroke for everyone. There are many rare causes of stroke beside these. The chances of recurring stroke can be minimized so we should all know more about it.

The Stroke Association

Every year, over 130,000 people only in the UK have a stroke – one person every five minutes. Most people affected are over 65, but anyone can have a stroke, including young people, children, and even babies. A stroke is the third most common cause of death in the UK, and it is the single most common cause of severe disability as well. More than 250,000 people live with disabilities caused by stroke. Because this could happen to you, or someone you care for, you will want to learn as much as you can about stroke, what causes it, the effects that it can have, how it can be prevented and treated. It is also important how the Stroke Association can help you should a stroke affect your life. The Stroke Association’s focus is to prevent strokes and to provide support for people who have had a stroke. 

Important tips about stroke

•    Every five minutes one person in the UK has a stroke.
•    A stroke is a brain seizure that occurs due to a clot or bleeding in the brain, which causes brain cells to die.

The signs of a stroke are:
•    facial weakness
•    arm or leg weakness
•    speech problems
•    a loss of half the visual field

These signs may only last a few hours, which is called a Transient Ischemic Attack or TIA. This sign of stroke must not be ignored.

•    A stroke is an emergency, so if you see the signs of a stroke act quickly and call emergency number.
•   Early treatment saves lives and increases the chance of making a better recovery after stroke happens.

•    Stroke is the third biggest killer and the leading cause of severe disability in the UK; the situation is similar throughout the world.
•    Almost one in four men and one in five women aged 45 can expect to have a stroke if they live to 85 years.
•    More than three times as many women die from stroke than breast cancer.
•    Unacceptable inadequacies in stroke care and research exist, so for every £50 spent on cancer research and £20 on heart disease research, only £1 is spent on stroke research.
•    Eating healthily, exercising, not smoking, and ensuring normal blood pressure can help prevent a stroke.
•    The Stroke Association is the only national charity in the UK solely concerned with helping everyone affected by this problem. We all need to work to create a world where there are fewer strokes and all those touched by stroke get the help they need.

Types of stroke

•    The most common type of stroke is a blockage, called an ischemic stroke. It happens when a clot blocks an artery that carries blood to the brain. That type of stroke may be caused by cerebral thrombosis. In this case a blood clot known as thrombus forms in a main artery of the brain. It could also happen if a cerebral embolism, a blockage caused by a blood clot, air bubble or fat globule or embolism, forms in a blood vessel somewhere else in the body and is then carried through the bloodstream and into the brain. Finally, the cause could also be a blockage in the tiny blood vessels deep within the brain, called lacunar stroke.

•    The second type of stroke is a bleed, occurring when a blood vessel bursts, causing a hemorrhage inside the brain. This is a hemorrhagic stroke. It may be caused by intracerebral hemorrhaging, when a blood vessel bursts within the brain or a subarachnoid hemorrhage, when a blood vessel on the surface of the brain bleeds into the area between the brain and the skull in subarachnoid space.

Common symptoms of stroke

The first signs that someone has had a stroke are very sudden; typical symptoms include numbness, weakness, or paralysis in one side of the body. Signs of this may be a drooping arm, leg, or lower eyelid, or a dribbling mouth, slurred speech or difficulty finding words or understanding speech. Some patients reported suddenly blurred vision or loss of sight, confusion, or unsteadiness and severe headache.

Face–Arm–Speech Test
Face-Arm-Speech test or FAST is three simple checks that can help you recognize whether someone has had a stroke or mini-stroke, or transient ischemic attack known as TIA.

•    F - Facial weakness test means you should check if the person can smile and has a drooped mouth or eye.
•    A - Arm weakness; check if the person can raise both arms.
•    S - Speech problems; check if the person can speak clearly and understand what you’re saying.
•    T - means you should test for all three previously listed signs.

Since stroke can happen to anyone we should all be aware of these symptoms and know how to recognize if someone around us has this problem. A stroke can happen with no obvious cause, to people of any age. However, there are factors known to increase the likelihood of it happening. Some of these factors cannot be changed, but some other risks may be reduced by lifestyle changes or medication. What you cannot change is gender, since in the under 75’s age group, more men have strokes than women. You cannot change your age, either; strokes are more common in people over 55, and the risk continues to rise with age. Arteries commonly harden with time and become coated by a build-up of cholesterol and other debris. This causes atherosclerosis over many years. Family history is also something you cannot change. Having a close relative who has had a stroke increases the risk, possibly because conditions such as high blood pressure and diabetes tend to run in families, so these people are prone to have a stroke or a similar problem as well. Ethnic background is also important, since people from Asian, African and African-Caribbean communities are at greater risk of a stroke. Medical conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure are more common in some races as well.

How to avoid a stroke?

First, the doctor could help to treat any medical conditions that could lead to or provoke a stroke. It is extremely important to prevent stroke if possible. If left untreated, over time the aforementioned conditions may damage the arteries and some other parts of the body as well. High blood pressure or hypertension is also an important problem your doctor should consider. The goal is preventing a possible stroke as a serious consequence. Heart disease and irregular heartbeat called atrial fibrillation, as well as diabetes, are also conditions your doctor should treat to prevent stroke.

However, the doctor is not the only one who can help; we can do a few things to help ourselves as well.

First, we must take care of the diet. A diet high in fatty foods causes cholesterol to build up in the blood and arteries to narrow, while too much salt can lead to high blood pressure. Being overweight (especially obese) puts extra strain on the heart. All these things are important when we talk about human mistakes that provoke strokes. Too much alcohol is dangerous, as many other conditions and diseases of the body relate to this substance. Regular heavy drinking raises blood pressure, while binge drinking can cause a blood vessel in the brain to burst.

We should all exercise regularly, because an inactive lifestyle can contribute to furring of the arteries. Regular exercise helps keep the heart and bloodstream healthy and prevent a possible stroke. Smoking causes higher blood pressure and makes the blood thicker because the chemicals in tobacco smoke are absorbed into the body, damaging blood vessel walls.

Therefore, try to avoid stroke by reducing your risks, treating all the possible causes of stroke. You should have your blood pressure checked regularly, avoid smoking and heavy drinking, exercise regularly, cut down on salt and fatty foods, and eat plenty of fruit and vegetables. We all know that food has an impact on all aspect of our lives, each organ in our organism and each process. Therefore, the importance of a healthy diet warrants no further explanation.

Rehabilitation and recovery

Most improvements in a person’s ability to function in the first 30 days after a stroke are due to spontaneous recovery. However, rehabilitation is still very important. For the most part, successful rehab depends on how early the process begins, the extent of the brain injury, the survivor’s attitude, the rehabilitation team’s skill, and the cooperation of family and friends. People with the least impairment are likely to benefit the most, but even with slight improvement, rehabilitation can mean the difference between returning home and staying in an institution.

What is the goal of the rehabilitation process?

For a stroke survivor, the rehabilitation goal is to be as independent and productive as possible, which may mean improving physical abilities. Often old skills have been lost, new ones are needed, and it is also important to maintain and improve a person’s physical condition when possible. Rehabilitation begins early as nurses and other hospital personnel work to prevent secondary problems. These common problems are stiff joints, falls, bedsores and pneumonia that can result from being in bed for a long time.

How can the family help?

A person’s family has a key role in rehab, where a caring and able spouse or partner can be one of the most important positive factors. A family members’ knowledge also helps a lot, so family members need to understand what the stroke survivor has been through and how disabilities can affect the person. It will be easier for them to handle the situation if they know what to expect and how to handle problems that arise once the person leaves the hospital after stroke rehabilitation.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Foods That Boost Sexual Performance

Throughout history, people have gone to a lot of trouble—not to mention putting their health in danger, in some cases—trying to find libido boosters to improve their sex lives. Today pleasure seekers have it easier because, as it turns out, the grocery store is the perfect place to find natural aphrodisiacs.
Bonus: In addition to making sex a little steamier, nearly all these foods have health benefits beyond the bedroom.

This dark, delicious dessert has long been associated with indulgence, but that’s not the only reason chocolate puts you and your guy in a sensual mood. The treat contains caffeine, which helps perk you up and also boosts serotonin and dopamine, neurotransmitters that contribute to feelings of well-being and happiness, according to Kerry Neville, a registered dietitian and spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association.
“Chocolate brings on feelings of euphoria—like in the movie Chocolat,” says Jennifer Berman, MD, a urologist and director of female urology and sexual medicine at the Rodeo Drive Women's Health Center in Beverly Hills, Calif. “It’s a psycho-stimulant so it has an arousal effect.” That’s because chocolate contains phenylethylamine, a chemical with an amphetamine-like affect that temporarily mimics feelings of falling in love. In fact, a 2007 British study found that letting chocolate melt in your mouth is more stimulating and raised heart rates more than kissing. Chocolate, particularly dark chocolate, is also loaded with antioxidants that improve circulation and lower cholesterol. Photo: iStockphoto

2. Pumpkin Pie
The next time you want to seduce a guy, bake a pumpkin pie. A study that measured blood flow south of the border in men ages 18 to 64 found that the scent of pumpkin pie rated the highest response—a 40 percent increase to be exact, according to Alan R. Hirsch, MD, neurological director of the Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation in Chicago and author of Scentsational Sex. Lavender rated equally high, while close runners-up included donuts and black licorice, which boosted blood flow to men’s nether regions by more than 31 percent. As surprising as it may seem, when it comes to sex, scent offers a greater libido lift than ingestion: “Ninety percent of what people call taste is actually smell,” notes Hirsch. “The scent of these foods may reduce anxiety, which helps remove inhibitions.” Photo: iStockphoto

3. Good & Plenty Candy
You probably won’t look at the candy counter at the movies the same way after reading this: Smelling Good & Plenty, the popular licorice-flavored candy, caused a 13 percent increase in vaginal blood flow, according to research conducted by Hirsch. Why? He points out that the scent may trigger olfactory nostalgia, such as positive memories from childhood as well as feelings of security and safety—a state of mind that helps make sex more relaxing and enjoyable. Oddly enough, the smell of cherries had the opposite effect on women, causing an 18 percent reduction of vaginal blood flow (in other words, a real turn-off). Photo: Courtesy of

4. Oatmeal
You may not have heard of L-arginine, but this common amino acid is a precursor to nitric oxide, a substance that "enhances the arousal response,” says Berman. Good food sources of L-arginine include oatmeal and granola as well as nuts, seeds, dairy, and seafood. So the next time you’re on a date at a romantic restaurant, suggest the pasta with pine nuts or salmon—sexy, mutually beneficial menu options such as these will ensure your evening ends on a high note! Photo: iStockphoto

5. Oysters
“It’s a sensual experience to eat oysters,” says Berman, but these delicacies from the sea are aphrodisiacs for another reason too. According to Neville, oysters are bursting with zinc, a mineral used in the production of testosterone (and sperm), which plays a role in fueling the sex drive of both men and women. American and Italian chemists who looked at oysters, mussels and clams found the shellfish were packed with rare amino acids that triggered increased levels of sex hormones in animals. What’s more, oysters contain taurine, an amino acid with a caffeine-like effect (it’s used in Red Bull) for alertness and physical endurance. Photo: iStockphoto

6. Fish
It may sound a bit fishy and not so sexy, but foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids such as mackerel, wild salmon, halibut, and sardines as well as flaxseed, nuts and oils (think olive and soybean) can take your sex life from lukewarm to hot. Here’s how: Essential fatty acids are the building blocks of sex hormones in men and women and help fight the buildup of plaque in the arteries, thereby improving circulation and increasing sensation. “Omega-3 fatty acids help with sexual response, by helping to raise dopamine levels in the brain that trigger arousal,” says Yvonne Fulbright, PhD, a sexologist and author of Pleasuring: The Secrets of Sexual Satisfaction. Adds Berman, “They’re important for energy, memory, mood, and libido.” Not a fan of fish? Try taking 1,000 milligrams (or 1 gram) of fish oil supplements daily and be sure the supplement includes the omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Photo: iStockphoto

7. Avocados
The deep green fruit contains vitamin B6, which helps produce serotonin, the feel-good hormone, says Neville. Another bonus for you and your partner: Avocados are also loaded with vitamin E, which enhances circulation and is believed to stimulate the production of passion-stimulating testosterone. Research published in the journal Archives of Andrology showed that vitamin E helps improve semen quality and motility. Photo: iStockphoto

8. Garlic
Although you’d think garlic would ruin, rather than improve, your love-making sessions, it turns out that it contains allicin, an ingredient that increases circulation, including down south, which "helps improve sensation,” says Fulbright. The action of finely chopping garlic releases allicin, so be sure to crush the garlic first and then add it to pasta sauce or garlic bread. The key to not getting knocked out by garlic breath? Level the playing field by eating a garlic-heavy meal with the object of your affection.Photo: iStockphoto

9. Seeds and Nuts
Like oysters, pumpkin seeds and pine nuts are rich in zinc, which help the body produce testosterone—and, in your man’s case, sperm. Added attraction: Nuts, including almonds, are also good sources of the aforementioned omega-3 fatty acids, which help prevent plaque accumulation in the arteries and improve blood flow throughout the body (including to the genitals). What’s more, nuts and seeds are powerhouse foods, full of protein and healthy fats, which give you a boost of energy both in and out of the bedroom. Photo: iStockphoto

10. Mint
Popping a mint before kissing your partner is not only courteous, it’s also a turn-on. Hirsch surveyed both married couples as well as single men and women about what they wanted kisses to taste like in a mate or a date. The overall conclusion: The scent of mint makes people makeout-worthy. But while married people and single women wanted their men to taste “fresh, clean, and minty, like toothpaste,” says Hirsch, single men preferred women to taste like alcohol.

Therapeutic Apparatus - (Sex Machine)

The machine has a vibrator (1) positioned vertically or horizontally along mirrors (16, 16'). A seat foam and an upholstery are fixed on two sliding rails (12). A seat (2) is adjusted to different heights. A framework containing digital pictures is automatically scrolled through insertion of a universal serial bus (USB) key, and is provided with a TV receiving pornographic DVDs. Handrails allow a person to move along the seat. Two footrests (10) are provided to push back the seat back. Two spaces are provided on footrests. Rubber bands (15) are positioned on two bases (14, 14').

The machine resembles an ordinary fitness machine so as to be placed in the room without being disclosed to children. The machine enhances the woman to look at herself for sexual pleasure through the mirrors that are installed vertically and horizontally. The machine brings opportunities for fitness activities on the legs, buttocks and arms of people who use the machine for sexual pleasures. The machine is built with cameras so as to film and record any actions of sexual couples, thus allowing the women to watch the solitary and sexual pleasures. The machine is provided erotic or pornographic pictures stored in a digital set top box or USB stick in order to stimulate the sexual act.

Monday, June 13, 2011

How To Make Nigiri Sushi


Nigiri sushi is the most popular style of sushi in restaurants today. Served in pairs and seasoned with a speck of wasabi, nigiri sushi is a delicate and tasty treat. Master Chef Andy Matsuda shows us how to make pairs of tuna, shrimp and salmon nigiri sushi.
Step : You will need
  • 2 boiled shrimp
  • 2 slices of tuna
  • 2 slices of salmon
  • 4 ¼ oz sushi rice
  • ½ tsp wasabi paste , for each slice
  • 2 cups su water (water with dash of vinegar)
  • 1 sharp knife
  • Serves:
  • 1
  1. Step 1: Slice The Fish

    Slice the tuna, salmon and shrimp into small slices. Cut two half an ounce slices of each.
  2. Step 2: Wet Your Hands

    Wet both hands in su water and rub together, leaving them wet. Su water is water with a dash of vinegar added to it.
  3. Step 3: Roll The Rice

    Grab a small palmful of rice with your right hand and squeeze together firmly until it sticks together.
  4. Step 4: A Dab Of Wasabi

    After picking up a slice of tuna with your left hand, dab a little wasabi on the fish with the right index finger of your right hand.
  5. Step 5: Shape Your Sushi

    Now add the squeezed rice to the tuna, placing the tuna with the wasabi side towards the rice.
  6. Holding the tuna and rice in your left hand, use two fingers of your right hand to shape it into a rectangle with rounded corners. To do this you need to rotate and flip the rice and tuna, while pressing with your two fingers at the same time.
  7. Step 6: Salmon And Shrimp

    Now repeat the process with the salmon and shrimp to make three types of nigiri sushi. Take your time rolling the rice into the right shape.
  8. Step 7: Garnish & Serve

    Many sushi chefs believe preparing sushi is like creating a Zen garden. It must look just as good as it tastes. So arrange it and garnish it artfully.
  9. Serve and enjoy.

My windshield having a crack

I'm driving along on the highway 285E around Atlanta at 55 miles an hour (the speed limit), minding my own business, when outta nowhere I get this HUGE crack in my windshield!!!
I swerved right, and then left, but it was still right there!!!

There just ain't NO words for this !!!

Do you think they're on their way to Wal-Mart??? HOWDODAT?